PrinterOn is running on the server

The SSL certificate for PrinterOn must be updated each year prior to expiration

which occurs in September.  Contact Net Ops (i.e. Raleigh) for the new certificate 

in PFX form and its accompanying password.

The new certificate will be in the form of a PFX file, e.g. 

Copy this file to the D:\SSL folder, for example: 


Next, you'll need to edit the Apache server configuration file:

D:\PrinterOn\Apache Tomcat\Conf\server.xml

Make a backup copy of the file first.  

Copy the server.xml file to another folder, e.g. D:\SSL.

Edit this copy of the server.xml file in Notepad. 

Find the entry "keystoreFile".

Edit the two lines keystoreFile and keystorePass for the new values.

For example:

Old entry

keystoreFile="D:\PrinterOn\Apache Tomcat\TomcatCert.pfx"

keystorePass="LexSchola1" keystoreType="PKCS12"/>

New entry


keystorePass="Password1234" keystoreType="PKCS12"/>

After editing and saving, drag the new server.xml file to the D:\PrinterOn\Apache Tomcat\Conf\ folder.

Restart the server.  Navigate to and verify from a web browser that the new certificate expiration date is showing.